Yes, we know what you are thinking, "This blog has not been updated since November!" Well, you're right, because it hasn't. But, it will start to be updated more often. The past couple of months have been very busy for Mark and me, but we assure you that we will start to be more and more active in the coming weeks and months. And yes there will be a review of the Sony S series, we will post it when we feel it is ready. But we assure you it is coming. That being said, I want to know what people think about the iPad that was just announced/released this past Wednesday by Apple. I want to know whether you think that it is going to be a hit, or if you think that it is going to be a big mistake for Apple? I have said in the past that I believe that it would do Apple good to release a product which is more business friendly, something that isn't so geared towards games and useless apps. Don't get me wrong, I like to play around on an iPod Touch or an iPhone, but I just think that in general, Apple would appeal to an even wider range of people if they came out with a product that is more serious about it's serious work than games. But enough of my ramblings. What do you think about the iPad? Is it going to sell? Is it going to flop? Is the price reasonable? Whatever you think, you can comment below and tell us what you think. Also, feel free to tell us how you feel about the site. Thanks for reading, and remember we will be doing more with the site from now on. We are sorry about not posting in so long, but sometimes life gets busy,and well that is just life.
Mark and James.